You Don't Have Time To Judge Me

We live in a very interesting society at times.We are so focused on fixing people, but we are broken our ownselves.No one walking in this earth is perfect and no where near it.We use the weaknesses of others to control and manipulate them to serve our own hidden and nasty desires.We do it because we do not want to admit we need healing and need to walk the path in front of us.

We use excuse after excuse to justify how we live,how we treat others, and how we should conduct ourself in this world.We haven't examined what the world really offers.Lust,deceit,greed,jealousy,strife,confusion,depression and opression.We try to adapt to it instead of come out from among it.We become too comfortable functioning in it, and never can see the truth right in front of ourselves.

We think its ok to gossip,lie,cheat, steal, manipulate.We justify it by saying, "well everybody is doing it,thats the way of the world."We adopt the saying "if you cant beat them,join them."Then we have the audacity to question why our lives are going in the direction it is.Let me say this to you.When you do whats right you will be in the minority,sad but true.But you shouldn't let that stop you from pressing forward to lay hold of the awesome promises God has ahead of you.

You should never let no human being define who you are,where you're going and what you will accomplish in this life.God is the only person you should be concerned about pleasing.The reality of it all is you and only you will stand before him and have to answer to everything you've encountered and done in your life.

Is your house in order?Are you walking where he is calling you or are you worried about how others will mock you and degrade you because you are chasing after God?You need to make a decision,who is your source man or the Living God who provides everything for you forever....Pray for those who don't like you or dispitefully use and tear you down..

Seek to please no one but God......he is the only one qualified to judge..its time to realize"You Don't Have Time To Judge Me."


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