Atmospheric Conditions In The Home And How They Affect Your Child

Now I know this may cause some to be very angry but this is simply a observation that I've noticed and honestly wanted to speak to.The reality in this society is that most children that are being raised, are being raised in a single parent home.So the atmosphere of that home has to be just right to stimulate the proper growth of that child.So what you do, say and respond to, affects that child negatively or positively.

A very disturbing trend in the last several years has caused me to take a very deep look at somethings and come to some conclusions of my own.Young men who go on to become grown men(and not all men but enough) have a very unhealthy level of disrespect for women.Some of this starts with their mothers.Many have seen their mothers interaction with men and some of it as a child, namely a male child  experiencing things they shouldn't hear or see.

What it does is begins to plant the thought that this is how all females are, and this is how they respond and interact with men.Now if they have daughters the same can happens as well.Their daughters then interpret, this is how you deal with men or handle them for lack of a better word.This is where you see the cycle of abuse,infidelity, and countless other things being passed down from generation to generation in women.

The way we change this is become more responsible parents..If you've experienced and anguished over this,why would you want your child to suffer this same uncomfortable pain as well...break the cycle...make the sacrifice necessary...remember it was your choices and actions that brought them here stand up and be accountable.

Now men you play just as a significant part as well...Your irresponsible behavior is not excused. Why would you disrespect and hurt something that adds so much to your life?Why punish a woman for what you've experienced with someone because of that lack of love and respect for themselves? Why men is it so hard to be credible,accountable and responsible, do you care about anyone but yourselves?We have the capacity to think but spend too much time making excuses instead of making a difference.

Being Fathers we  as men should want to make a difference in the life of our child..A perfect example can be found in God. A Father who is stern,loving,forgiving and constantly pressing to make us better.We can help our children Men and Women, if we are willing to be better and do better....We have to be better and do better...OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT.......!


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