God Has No Secrets

Lets define the word SECRET...Secret--kept from knowledge or view,designed to elude observation or detection,something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidentially with a few.Every thing that God reveals to us is no secret.He makes it clear who he is and what his expectations are.He does not hide his feelings about us, they are not a secret.

He makes it known to us all what he expects, and freely provides us with how the outcome will be for us if we either obey or disobeyed.He does not try to confound or confuse. He wants the best for us.The biggest gesture of his love for was shown at the cross, when he sacrificed his only son so we could live forever.He knows that even though wisdom is the principal thing, in all our attempting with the knowledge we have access through him, we must be willing to take the time to understand it.

If it's anyone who  has secrets, its us.From the beginning of time we've had secrets. First it was Adam and Eve in the garden.Later Cain after kiliing his brother Able, and there are more examples as well.We have a difficult time being accountable for our recklessness.We find it more easier and convienent to cover it up than to admit our mistakes.

We love playing the "justify blame game." "I did this because,...It's their fault,....If it wasn't for so and so I could have"...and on and on..We have since the beginning of time wanted the easiest path to getting what we want, and it doesnt matter who we hurt or what we have to do to attain it. God gave us free will to make choices for ourselves,why?

Because he wants us to make a choice(because he did not want to force himself on us) to see that he is not a lier,that his word will do exactly what it promises, and help you live life according to what his word says.Our biggest struggle is in that fact we think we are entitled in this life to whatever we want.We don't realize that until we discipline,structure,humble and strive to know who God designed us to be, we fight constant a uphill battle.

God wants the best for you and he expects your best before him........Study his word and get to know him and then you will see for yourself that "God Has No Secrets."


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