Nothing Like A Mothers Love

On April 30th 1985 my life was changed forever,in a lot of ways.On arriving home I found my mother who had passed, battling for 10 years with kidney failure.She was my everything.....she was my rock.Little did I know at the time her death would send me on a journey that would literally change my life.You see my relationship with my mom was as close as relationships go between a son and his mother. I adored,respected,revered and cherished her and I worshipped her.

My greatest desire was to make her proud of me so I did everything possible to that end.Yes I made some mistakes along the way but for the most part I was a good fella.But my mom to me was larger than life,she was my life force so I thought.When she passed on I became very self destructive with my living and life choices.Living no longer was a priority for me.I felt my purpose for living had ended.

What I didn't realize that God was using her to get me ready to live out my life.Now I know everyone doesn't have a ideal relationship with their mother or even with their parents.I saw my mom sacrifice herself for me.Going to work sick, always going the extra mile with her body..Later she was on dialysis and still constantly added to my life even in her weakened state.Her love for me propelled me to heights unknown,her death took me to dark places I could never imagine.

But it was her relationship with God that proved to be the greatest gift she passed on to me..She told me you have to have a relationship with him on your own son,that's the only way you can make it.....So I did and I continue to still travel this Journey(Yesterday was her birthday she would have been 71(Feb 5,1940)

Thank you mom for all that you shared and gave me,but momma thank you most of all for introducing to me Jesus Christ.....because it was him that carried me after you went home to be with him. R.I.P Minne B. Hill


  1. Beautiful tribute to your mother. Life as you know it will now be divided into Before mom passed away and after mom passed away. I know the feeling. I lost my dad two years ago and that is how i view life now. Before daddy died and after daddy died. If and when I lose my mother, life again, will be divided. I already know this and I try to prepare myself, but one is never really prepared to lose a parent. Be blessed Thomas!

  2. Your mom and my grandmother Eleanor Roldan are in heaven now smiling down at us, at this very moment. Minnie Bell was and will always be my Angel she is with Ali, the babies and us. It's because of her wise words that my world was changed also, she gave me something no one can ever take from me. No one. May you RIP. I know now as i knew then, you are always with us. Blowing you kisses in the wind...


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