Stop Allowing Yourself To Be Blackmailed Any Longer

Right now alot of folks are being blackmailed.And the culprit responsible, is your PAST.It says,"You don't have a bright future,you're not a good decision maker,you're a failure,and you can't do anything right even if your life depended on it."The purpose of your past is to try to punish and delay you from walking into your present and embracing your future.

Your past recognizes that you have not let go of it. It feels like it has just as much right to recieve equal billing to your present and your future.Problem with your past is that it's selfish, and it wants you to stay where it is,live with it,embrace it,never let it go.It does not care if you live or die,but it knows it cannot survive it you let go of it.So it fights with tooth and nail to stay around as long as it can.It's not concerned in  the least of about what can happen for you in your present or future, its just fighting to stay alive.

It uses guilt and fear to stay alive.The fear of failure,the fear of people discovering some of your past mistakes, it feeds  on fear, fear, fear..You must close the door on your past so you can begin to discover who you really are, a very important element in the NOW(present) and a difference maker for tomorrow(future).You cannot effect your present and future living in what happen yesterday,2 weeks  or a year ago.What you can do is learn from your past,dont be imtimidated by it. Remember this saying,"I'm not what I want to be,but I thank God I'm not what I use to be."

Tell your past Good Bye........tell it you will no longer be in bondage to it....."Stop Allowing Yourself To Be Blackmailed Any Longer."


  1. You hit the nail on the head,that's where I seam to be, caught up in this vicious cycle, holding on to the past thinking there is always a way out, by running back to the old ways, if Gods plan don't work out, I have my mind set on the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus, and it seams that with all of the resistances from the enemy being jealous and fighting tooth and nail to keep one from reaching there high call in the Lord, which is a free gift to any one whom will receive it,, all though they wont reach out and receive it which makes them more envious of those who do. The enemy has all of the true believers so spread out and tries to turn what few is seeking the lord with all of there heart against each other. What is The Answer?


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