Don't Let Your Mouth Be Your Downfall

Your mouth plays a key role in your everyday life.Because what comes out of it will determine the direction you will travel into for that day.It is a force that can alter a series of events dramatically when activated with the wrong forces.

Cliche's and familiar sayings that we take no real thought to when we speak at times, can paraylyze and have us at a impass we often are trying to figure out how we got to.The key is to make sure our thought process is sound, firm, upbeat, reassuring, GOD FOCUSED, and primed to do things that can strengthen and edify us and others.Simply uttering the wrong words without out thinking, can shift your atmosphere into a entirely different direction.

We must be disciplined  in our speech,we must be positive about where we are, whether its at our job, home, church or out socially.Always take the high road with your conversation.Stay away from whiners and complainers.Surround yourself with people who celebrate each other instead of tolerate each other.

Change your language when you're speaking to your thoughts..Read God's words so he can remind you of who you are, for example,"You are the head and not the tail,"You are a child of God," "youre Blessed," "LORD disciplines those he loves," "For I know the plans I have for you," "you are more than a conqueror" and the list goes on and on.

You can become what you speak.....Speak life and not death,speak blessings and not curses,speak hope and not despair,speak joy and not sadness,speak peace and not confusion.No matter what the enviroment is,dont let your atmosphere be contaminated by speech that does not promote the goodness of our God.Speak to you future and not the mistakes of your past,renew your mind so your speech can help you strengthen your atmosphere you live and breathe in...whatever you do,whatever you speak today remember to"Don't Let Your Mouth Be Your Downfall."


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