When God Says No

My mentor Dr. Dennis Golphin preached a very powerful message that provoked some very deep thought within me. A lot of decisions in our lives are made for all the wrong reasons,very selfish ones.Don't get me wrong, we all should have goals,aspirations and a purpose for living but the question is does it line up with what God has preordained for your life?

As parents the goal has always been to teach,equip,lead by example the purpose for living and as a human being that in life, you cannot have everything or do everything.Your life must have balance so that you can embrace the full measure of living.In a lot of situations, I subscribe to what Dr. Golphin shared in his message,"God says no to the timing,but yes to the issue." Meaning the timing is not right.

How many times in your reflections that you wanted something to happen really bad, and when it didn't you were so disappointed. But later you realized that it probably wasn't the right time, because all the other factors for making it sustain itself weren't in place and wouldn't have supported its ability to impact the circumstance.We live in such a instant society where we receive things very quickly and with speed.

The problem with that is we don't invest the kind of time to make a wise decision, because we look for that instant gratification,we want it now and we want it fast. A dear friend shared this statement with me a long time ago that I meditate on with frequency before I decide certain matters,"Short term Pleasure long term Pain."We have got to stop being so anxious about our lives.

Take your time,be wise,be smart,be calm,stay connected to God constantly for he knows your ending and beginning...He knows whats best...Trust in him long enough for him to show you that if you take the time to just trust and abide in him he can show you who you are and eliminate who you think you are.

Some times God says No, and its in your best interest..Take a breather and say, God I thank you......


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