Mind Blowing Decisions

Around this time of the year people are notorious for making resolutions for the year with the hope of changing their path.The reality is if you want to see real change happen, you have to change how you think,which will prompt you  to have to make some "Mind Blowing Decisions."What would consitute a "Mind Blowing Decision?"Changing your order of priorities.There are some questions you need to ask yourself to arrive at making some mind blowing decisions.

1)What kind of relationship do you have with Jesus Christ?
Is it Intimate?is it focused on obedience,is it sound and not shaky,are you applying it to your daily living?

2)Are self centered?Do you believe the world should be revolving around you...Are you focused on making sure all your needs are met first and then satisfying others?

3)Do you need "things"(material objects) to complete you?Are you the kind of person that needs things to prove your worth to the world...gotta have it,gotta have it.....


4)Do you seek validation from others?Is what they think extremely important to you,Is how they perceive you very important...?

There is a designed path you're called to walk.This world presents some major distractions,but you don't have time for that. Speaking of time, if we could just understand its real signifigance like making better use of it, and getting the maximum affect out of it like peace(God's peace),family, and living,we could have major impact in our social outreaching to the community and the world. Loving and taking care of one another could allow us to change our social climate instantly..Stop for a moment and ask yourself this question,"How do I see myself?"Do you love yourself,do you take care of yourself,and do you honor God above all else?

There are some long overdue decisions you need to make concerning your walk....Stop procrastinating and make the commitment to be a better human being, because when your mind finally makes a decision that it wants to recieve the best God has to offer it will become a "MIND BLOWING DECISION" that will start a avalanche' of others.......


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