It's Time To Clean Out Your Closet

I've got a question I need to ask you?Are you ready for change?Are you ready for something different,something challenging,something that can and will motivate you to live better and be free from the same dull routines and hassles you currently find yourself in?Are you sick in tired of being sick and tired?Well its time for you to "Clean Your Closet."

When cleaning the closet the goal is to 1) discard old things that no longer have any value or use, 2) make room for other things that you may want to store in it that maybe used later.In your lifetime there is alot of stuff you have stored into your mental closet that is molded,stinking and is unused and even somethings you've outgrown.Like some habits,some places where you socialize,and even people,yes I said PEOPLE.

Not everyone can go with you on your journey in your life.These very people sometimes are the reason you cannot walk into your destiny, and you need to recognize their time is up.The same can be said about habits.Your habits create routines,if those habits are unstable that will shorten your ability to clearly see life the way God has purposed for you, and they will eventually shorten your life.

Time to sit down and start making hard decisions for change.Dont put this off...Time is filled with swift transition,you need to make this happen like yesterday.When you change the way you think, it will change what you see,which will dramatically change what you speak.Your mental closet is overloaded with nonsense,clutter and hopelessness.Eliminate them immediately and replace them with the mind of Christ,joy, and peace,God's peace.You owe it to yourself to enjoy who you are,Don't let your past continue to hold you captive any longer,"It's Time To Clean Your Closet."


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