Mind your Business

Most times we allow the wrong things to distract us in this world,soley because we have allowed our FLESH to be the main decision maker for our present and future.What it wants, and how to get what it wants is the main goal,even to the point of compromising yourself on destructive levels.Thats why you have to "mind your business",meaning keep your mind focused on the business of living.Keep your mind on the things that edify,build,fortify and foundate your future to great heights.

The mind cannot properly function on lies,half truths,your past mistakes and fear.I know many of my post in you have read what I have written and talked concerning fear.It's real and it is stopping so many people from stepping into their divine destinies..Foolish mistakes,disloyal friendships,looking for quick fixes and short cuts have beaten down your way of thinking and processing the real truth which is, "DO WHAT IS RIGHT NO MATTER WHAT."

You cannot trust your past to your future.You have to elimate the thought process that,"I have made mistakes in my past,but I must learn from them.They were things I had to learn in the course of my journey. I know they have absolutely no place in my future.I will take the steps daily to rid my thoughts of my mistakes and open my mind so it can be strengthened with more meaningful friendships, knowledge, postive and loving experiences and to draw ever so close to God because the bottom line, God is Love~

 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.Think about the price that was paid so you could live...Remind your self that your mind is too valuable to waste. Its time to "MIND YOUR BUSINESS."


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