You Don't Have To Suffer Any More
Life is a interesting journey.There is adventure,adversity, joy, pain and longsuffering at times.To endure good and hard times one must make sure that they strengthen their mind for any encounter they may entertain.When your mind is strong, you can endure any test and can conqueror any obstacle before you.Your mindset is your greatest weapon against any attack,physical or mental.It can propel you to levels of strength you never knew were inside you.
You must keep your mind sharpened with things you know are true, so that you can strengthen yourself and walk in the confidence that"You Don't Have To Suffer Any More."One of the greatest weapons that hinders us is UNFORGIVENESS.We have a very hard time forgiving OURSELVES for our shortcomings,weaknesses, and inadequacies because we feel we cannot be sure that we can make a sound decision that will end up in more joy than more pain.
We second guess ourselves,our decisions and the course of our life.We make everyone around us suffer as well because we've convienced ourselves that if they feel like we feel, they can understand our behavoir, which is selfish and very cowardly.We must stand up.Recognize that in the course of making mistakes we can learn and grow and be wiser.We must understand life is a series of experiences designed to teach and equip us for the journey.
In the the bible, 1 Peter shares with us something very powerful,"after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."God has the capacity to equip you with what you need to overcome anything you must face,but he needs you cooperation which requires submission.You must trust he will teach you what you need to know,allow you to expereince what you need to experience to help you become better than before,and he will protect you through it all.
Lean not to your own understanding,submit to what his "WORD" instructs you to, to apply to your life and you will quickly discover that" You Don't Have To Suffer Any More."
You must keep your mind sharpened with things you know are true, so that you can strengthen yourself and walk in the confidence that"You Don't Have To Suffer Any More."One of the greatest weapons that hinders us is UNFORGIVENESS.We have a very hard time forgiving OURSELVES for our shortcomings,weaknesses, and inadequacies because we feel we cannot be sure that we can make a sound decision that will end up in more joy than more pain.
We second guess ourselves,our decisions and the course of our life.We make everyone around us suffer as well because we've convienced ourselves that if they feel like we feel, they can understand our behavoir, which is selfish and very cowardly.We must stand up.Recognize that in the course of making mistakes we can learn and grow and be wiser.We must understand life is a series of experiences designed to teach and equip us for the journey.
In the the bible, 1 Peter shares with us something very powerful,"after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."God has the capacity to equip you with what you need to overcome anything you must face,but he needs you cooperation which requires submission.You must trust he will teach you what you need to know,allow you to expereince what you need to experience to help you become better than before,and he will protect you through it all.
Lean not to your own understanding,submit to what his "WORD" instructs you to, to apply to your life and you will quickly discover that" You Don't Have To Suffer Any More."
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