We Cannot Do It Alone

How many people can you actually say are your friends?I'm not talking about people who will agree with you,do what you do, do the same things you, or you have convinced yourself think like you do.We need people in our lives that will love us enough to correct us when we are wrong,(doing it in love) stand with us when times become unbearable by ourselves, and people who love us without no restrictions or conditions.

It's apparent God has put us all in the earth to expereince the joy of fellowship, and the importance of realizing that helping others has a greater reward when we realize that life's journey is not primarly about us.It's about sharing,loving,building,edifying,and enriching those around us and them doing the same things for you.Everyone needs someone in there lives,just make sure it's someone who is grounded,fair,compassionate,wise and humble and above all else loves GOD,because God is love.

Sometimes we need to be alone to take inventory of ourselves,but I whole heartedly believe we all need accountabilty partners in this world. People who will be there when the chips are down,who love you beyond your faults, see unlimited potential in us, and who don't carry a hidden agenda for being in your life.They care and love you because they know its right in their hearts and see the best in you.

Now I know many of us have been hurt and damaged by things and people in our lives.Trusts broken,egos damaged, and friendships and relationships destroyed by lies and jealousy.But you cannot let things of your past stop you from what lies ahead for the future.Take the time to get to know people.Look at their life and lifestyle. Make sure they are accountable and responsible, and most of all make sure they have a visible relationship with God in their living and in their speech.

Stop trying to walk in this world aimlessly and alone. Be real with yourself and admit"You Cannot Do It Alone."


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